Who will speak for the company after accidents, incidents or critical events?
What should be said at which point in time when the media, the neighbours and the public ask questions?
We advise the board of directors, press spokespersons and others who will communicate on how to adapt their routines in crises or upon critical incidents.
We offer analytical and strategic advice on communications for companies, organisations, SMEs, industry boards, municipalities, and individuals.
We offer operative support on individual measures in cases of critical incidents, but also in special situations or as a long term service.
These are our four complementary and interdependent areas of competence available prior to an incident (anticiating), during (coping) or after (lessons learned).
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Since 2015, ClausCommuniCations GmbH and its team of experienced professionals have been consulting executives, managers and communications staff within global and local companies. We prepare strategies and concepts to deal with potential or real crises or critical events. We support our customers in building effective and efficient communications structures and remain in contact with our clients before, during and after critical incidents.
Operational support for corporate communications
as well as for crisis, event and change management.
E-mail: ObscureMyEmail
Phone: +49 175 323 57 23